
YPNG Bets on Big Brothers Big Sisters of SLO County

big brothers big sisters - ypngThe Young Professionals Networking Group (YPNG) presented Big Brothers Big Sisters with a $5,200 check from the proceeds of their annual Monte Carlo night. The ‘Casino Royale’ themed event was held in the Venetian Room at the Madonna Inn.Tatiana Mendoza, former Big Brothers Big Sisters Program Director and YPNG Treasurer says, “Big Brothers Big Sisters is one of our community partners, who we fundraise for through several events each year. This year Big Brothers Big Sisters was the beneficiary of our Monte Carlo event because we wanted to help the agency serve more children. We were able to fundraise enough to serve four match relationships for one year.” It is the mission of YPNG to enrich the lives of young professionals by facilitating events which create opportunities for professional development, community involvement, and the establishment of personal connections with other young professionals. Since 2010, YPNG San Luis Obispo has donated over $32,210 to local non-profits.Link to article –

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