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Stavros Niarchos Foundation Global COVID-19 Relief Funds

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Global COVID-19 Relief Funds

May 26, 2020, San Luis Obispo County, CA – Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County is thankful for the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and their generous gift to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America COVID-19 Response Fund.
In response to the global crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation made a $1 million grant to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America COVID-19 Response Fund. Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo was awarded $50,000 from this fund.
The $1 million grant will help the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) national office and fifteen key local agencies across the United States continue to offer young people adult mentorship to help them reach their potential. The grant will help select BBBS agencies that serve thousands of children innovate and adapt to ensure kids stay virtually connected to their mentors during this time of physical distancing. Trusted in communities nationwide, BBBS local leaders often serve as a crucial conduit between the families of mentees and other essential resources in their communities.
Remarked Pam Iorio, President and CEO Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, “Throughout the pandemic, Big Brothers Big Sisters staff members and volunteer mentors have stepped up to serve our young people and their families during this period of social isolation and economic distress. Through our evidence-based work, we know consistent, positive social and emotional connection, support, and stability for our young people will be central to our recovery as a nation. This generous grant to the BBBS COVID-19 Response Fund from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and their commitment to address the pandemic’s many dimensions, will help BBBS agencies strengthen and continue their one-to-one mentoring through virtual means, providing young people with the critical support they need, and help our families stay connected to available resources in their communities.” #SNFGlobalRelief #InThisTogether #KeepKidsConnected

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